Kimberly's Page
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Quote of the Week:  

(archived quotes see literature section, for archived news see education section)


"If a man does not keep pace with his companions,perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer." - Thoreau

Updates made regularly, please check back regularly for news and information.


      Daily  "Journal"    


Leisure Reading

Current book I'm reading (leisure):


Aunt Kimberly & Graham.jpg (77795 bytes)

Picture of my nephew Graham and me shortly after he was born May 2003.

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A  photo of me from 2004. My hair is a darker color and longer now. Check out my version of a "Jackson Pollock" style painting that is behind me. I did this one a couple of years ago.



College Senior Pic. 2006

Halloween 2006

Took this picture of Hal on May 2nd. Isn't he a cutie!!

Hal.jpg (44186 bytes)

Recent Reading of the Classics:

Read the Complete works of William Shakespeare.


Quick Pics

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 Picture of Kimberly at Shane and Jennifer Horvatin's rehearsal dinner

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Photo of Hal and Kimberly at Shane and Jennifer Horvatin's wedding

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Picture from Oregon 2004

Photo Taken 2005